
How's the work with open data and data sharing progressing for Sweden's regions?

The Swedish govenment launched a directive which requires the public sector to publish tax funded data data openly and available to the public. Nationell Dataverkstad at Västra Götalands Region (VGR) has been tasked with supporting municipalities and regions with publishing open data. We have created this visualization in order to make it easier to track the progress of each region and their municipalities.

MetaSolutions and Insigo has been tasked by Västra Götalandsregionen to create a visualization of each regions progress in regards to publication of open data. MetaSolutions has contributed with data modelling expertise and file hosting through the Entryscape platform to the national dataplatform Insigo has written the code and assisted with technical advice. You can read more about the project at Nationell Dataverkstad and their mission to increase the publishing of open data in Sweden. The open data that is powering the visualization can be accessed at You can see the embedded map below! (Unfortunately it only exists in Swedish).

We use the following point system based on the goals of Nationell Dataverkstad in order to grade the progress of each regions work in regards to coordinating and publishing open data.

  • Is there a regional coordination established in the county? (1p)
  • Is there a formal actionplan for the regional coordination? (1p)
  • Does the region publish open data? (1p)
  • Does atleast half of the municipalities publish open data in the county? (1p)

The map uses different colors in order to visualize each regions points.

  • 0p = red
  • 1p = orange
  • 2p = yellow
  • 3p = light green
  • 4p = dark green